計畫緣起 Background and Motivation


English education has been one of main educational foci in Taiwan and the solid foundation of the country's economic development and academic improvement as well. While, the acquisition and proficiency of a language is not just referring to mastering the linguistic knowledge of the target language, but also to applying the acquired target language properly in their daily lives. Take the acquisition of our first language, Mandarin as an example. A language acquired shall serve as a tool to express needs, ideas, to communicate with interlocutors properly as well as to learn the knowledge and skills of other subject matters, such as mathematics, science, art, and natural science. In this light, the steering“Immersion English Education Project for Primary and Secondary Schools“ and “Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction in Some Domains of Primary and Junior High School Education”was established and sponsored by the MOE , aiming to promote and supervise the development and implementation of bilingual education at primary and secondary schools. In so doing, the scope of English education is expanded and students’English fluency and proficiency is enhanced via the interdisciplinary learning contexts of arts, health and physical education, integrative activities.

計畫目標 Project Objectives

To construct an authentic English communication and learning contexts, in which English is not only a subject to learn, but also a tool for experiencing and acquiring knowledge and skills of different subject matters.
To create a multi-lingual and multi-cultural learning environment, which encourages students to apply English to express, share, and interact; thus increasing their English vocabulary size and improving their English listening, speaking, and reading abilities.
To guide primary and secondary school teachers to design age-and cognitive appropriate curriculum framework and teaching activities in which English is applied as a tool to teach and to learn the content knowledge of other subjects as well as to acquire English knowledge and skills incidentally.
To provide benchmarks, templates, and examples of curriculum designs and activities for integrating English into other subjects in primary and secondary school education.

計畫執行期程 Project Executive Itinerary


Immersion English Education Project for Primary and Secondary Schools

  • 第1期 : 106學年度第2學期-107 學年度(107年2月1日至108年7月31日)
    1st Year : From February, 1, 2018 to July, 31, 2019
  • 第2期 : 108學年度(108年8月1日至109年7月31日)
    2nd Year : From August, 1, 2019 to July, 31, 2020
  • 第3期 : 109學年度(109年8月1日至110年7月31日)
    3rd Year : From August, 1, 2020 to July, 31, 2021


Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction in Some Domains of Primary and Junior High School Education

  • 第1期 : 110學年度(110年8月1日至111年7月31日)
    1rd Year : From August, 1, 2021 to July, 31, 2022

委辦單位 Authorization organization


K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education

執行單位 Executive organization


National Taipei University of Education

Principle Project Investigator, Professor Chen, Chin-Fen
Co-principal Project Investigator, Professor Liu, Yeu-Ting
Co-principal Project Investigator, Associate Professor Chen, Mae-Han
Project Assistant Lin, Yu-Lu
Project Assistant Sun, Shou-Hung
Project Assistant Tseng, Chieh-Ling