108學年度第二學期 - 藝術

Please write your class and number in the corner. Please draw six boxes on the paper. (提醒6個答案格要有創意) 1. I like the song because it makes me feel . (提醒學生要加上句號 Remember to write the period on the end. ) Read the sentence together. Now listen to the music. (教師播放音樂約1分鐘) Write down the musical feeling. 2. Read the sentences to two people. 3. Listen. How many beats do you hear? 4. Listen. How many beats do you hear? 5. Listen. How many beats do you hear? 6. Write the song’s name. (花好月圓) Blooming Flowers and Full Moon


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1090312-13花好月圓音樂賞析 1 MB 2020-03-21 12:24:43