影片 110-2 u2 動物適應
110學年度第二學期 - 自然科學

*Animal Group 動物的分類與演化(mammal. bird. amphibian. reptile. fish. insect) *Animal Grow and Change 動物的成長與變化 *Why do animals act and look the way they do?動物的運動、適應與偽裝 *How do animal stay safe? 動物的生存方式 *Animals make new babies.動物的繁殖 (Oviparity卵生. Viviparity胎生) *Animal dichotomy 動物二分法 Key Vocabulary: mammal. bird. amphibian. reptile. fish. insect. Shelter. Adaptation. Camouflage. Hatch. habitat

