110-2 G3-3 Bilingual PE Class/Jump Rope
110學年度第二學期 - 健康與體育

Warm up routines 跳繩暖身 1. Calf Raises & Wrist Circles ( Switch Directions ) 2. Arm Circles 3. Squats 4. Ankles Rolls & Wrist Stretches 5. Jumping Jacks 6. Calf Stretch 7. Shoulder Rotations with Rope 8. Heel in the Butt Safety Check / 環境確認 Sizing the Rope / 測量跳繩尺寸 Rope Stretching / 伸展 Swing / 甩繩 Double Sided Swing 雙邊甩繩 Single Sided Swing 單邊甩繩


Bilingual PE / Jump Rope 雙語體育/跳繩

Bilingual PE / Jump Rope 雙語體育/跳繩 part2