110學年度第一學期 - 藝術

1.透過簡單幾何的形狀、色彩的拼排,引發學生創意思考。 2.能透過藝術家的介紹,了解抽象畫的表現內涵。 3.能利用對摺剪的方式,剪出重複的紙片。 4.能了解物件的疏密關係、色彩的搭配對畫面所產生的影響。




Song-make a circle
make a circle
cut shapes
assembly all the cuttings
assembly all the cuttings
tell the difference between cutting works and not cutting works. How do they like them?
inspire students to observe body's movements
cut the shape of what are people doing
put all the cutting works together and make a master piece
put all the cutting works together and make a master piece
before putting all the works together, teacher talks about how the arrangement affects
before putting all the works together, teacher talks about how the arrangement affects