八上 翰林 第二單元_ 設計思考 Design Thinking_Umbrella
110學年度第一學期 - 藝術

第二單元: 感受生活玩設計 第五堂: 何謂”設計思考”? 案例分享:面紙設計 Unit 2: Design Lesson 5 - Case study: What is “Design Thinking”? 5 stages in “Design Thinking”. 以 “面紙設計” 為課程主軸讓學生逐步瞭解何謂”設計思考”的5個步驟及5個 key questions,透過案例讓學生理解產品設計的思考流程並藉此學會批判性思考。 Stage 1: What is the problem? — Empathize (v.) Stage 2: Why is it important? — Define (v.) Stage 3: How do we solve it? — Ideate (v.) Stage 4: How do we create it? — Prototype (v.) Stage 5: Does it work? — Test (v.) Use case study “Tear-Rings” as a main idea to help students understand the meanings of design thinking, and how to take the design thinking into practice.


Design Thinking _ Tissue