110-2 G3-2 Bilingual PE Class/Volleyball
110學年度第二學期 - 健康與體育

轉移陣地 / Change Sides
1. Set up the area in a cruciform formation. 布置十字形區域的場地。
2. Form groups of eight players. 8人一組
3. Two teams compete with each other.
One of the teams is the hitting group. The other team is the blocking group.
4. The hitting group stands at four corners. 擊球組站在四個角落
5. The blocking group stands inside the cruciform area. 防守組站在十字型內部。
6. The hitting group hits the ball to their partners at four corners while the blocking groups tries to block the attacks. 擊球組將球擊至四角落其他夥伴,防守組則嘗試阻擋。


Volleyball_轉移陣地 / Change Sides_part1

Volleyball_轉移陣地 / Change Sides_part2