109學年度第二學期 - 健康與體育

Mr.Liao’s lesson:
1. The first round,’round’ 可以用’lap’
2. Rabbit jump
3. Crab running(side-way)
4. Bounce. Once.
5. Watch the ball. Throw your arms. (Stretch your arms.比較好)Bend your knees.(knees的s要唸清楚)

Class management:
Keep distance.
Not too closed.
Move! Good job!
Q: Who can show a nice pass?
Every group one person.
Come here.
Sit down, please.
1. First and second lap 第一圈、第二圈
2. Diagonal jump 對角線跳躍
3. Toss ball 拋球
4. Hit the ground once 擊地一次
5. Pass ball 傳球
6. Take a break and drink some water 休息一下、喝個水
7. Underhand pass 低手傳球/overhand pass 高手傳球
